Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Eat Well, Feel Better. the Link Between What We Eat and Our Mental Health

Eat well, feel better. The link between what we eat and our mental health. Table of contents 1 Introduction Page 2 1. 1 Background information Page 2 1. 2 Aim Page 2 1 Methodology Page 2 2. 3 Primary research Page 2 2. Secondary research Page 2 3 Findings Page 3 3. 1 What is mental illness Page 3 3. 2 The link between food and mental health Page 4 4 Conclusions Page 5 5 Recommendations Page 6 6 Bibliography Page 7 . Introduction 1. 1 Background Information In recent years there has been an increase of mental health problems in our society. According to the Department of Health(2012) one in four adults experience mental illness at some point during their lifetime and one in six experience symptoms of mental illness – thus making it the largest single cause of disability in our society. Many people choose to take control of their mental health by using self-help approaches alongside, or even instead of, prescribed medication and talking therapies.Making changes to diet and eat ing habits is just one approach that some people have used to help improve their mental well-being. The links between diet and mental health are less clearly understood than links between diet and physical health. There are some generally accepted trends and pieces of advice than can help when thinking about what you eat and drink. 1. 2 Aim This report is going to outline what mental health is and how it affects people. It is going to research how what you eat affects your mental health and how eating or not eating certain foods can contribute to a person’s mental wellbeing.It is also going to suggest the types of foods that are good to help maintain mental wellbeing and tell the reader why and how these foods make a person with mental health problems feel. 2. Methodology 2. 1Primary research The time allotted for this report did not allow for any accurate primary research to be done as this would have involved drawing up questionnaires, handing them out to a target group, co llecting them in and analysing the findings all of which would be a time consuming task. 2. 2 Secondary Research In the report secondary sources from various websites are the main source of information.There is limited information in books about this as it is a very current topic and websites such as www. mind. org and www. sustainweb. org have been carrying out research on this subject and have a lot of valuable information. 3. Findings 3. 1 what is mental illness Mental illness is a term used when someone experiences significant changes in their thinking, feelings or behavior. The changes are usually bad enough to affect how the person functions and can cause distress to them or to other people. It may cause Anxiety, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Sleep Deprivation and a general feeling of unease and despair.A person with a mental illness sees things differently than a person without a mental illness and something simple to a non-sufferer can be life changing to a sufferer and can lead to the illness taking over where it is a downwards spiral in to the depths of depression. This then become a vicious circle of depression leading to the sleep deprivation which in turn leads to anxiety attacks which can then lead to feelings of despair and maybe even suicidal thoughts which then brings the sufferer straight back to the beginning were they are anxious about what might happen next and starts the circle all over gain. 3. 2 Research According to Youngminds(2012) there is increasing evidence of a link between what we eat and how we feel. This is called the ‘food – mood’ connection. How we feel influences what we choose to eat or drink and vice versa – and a healthy diet can help to protect our mental health. Mental health problems are believed to be the result of a combination of factors, including age, genetics and environmental factors. One of the most obvious, yet under-recognised factors in the development of major trends in mental he alth is the role of nutrition.Sustain(2010) indicates that a balanced mood and feelings of well-being can be helped by ensuring that our diet provides adequate amounts of certain foods such as foods that contain;- * Complex carbohydrates, Glucose from the carbohydrates we eat provides the brain’s main source of fuel. Without this fuel, we can’t think clearly. Some carbs are better than others. Sugar, white pasta and biscuits will only give you a short burst of energy. You'll feel tired and grumpy when the sugar high wears off and for someone with mental health issues this could then trigger a series of emotions. . If you eat lots of sugary foods, fizzy drinks and stimulants such as coffee, tea or alcohol, your blood sugar levels go up and down. This can make you irritable, anxious, and dizzy, it can also lead to poor concentration and aggressive behaviour. Complex carbohydrates†, such as wholegrain, beans and vegetables, are a better choice because they give you sustained energy and you don’t get that come down feeling when they wear off. * Essential fats, Essential fats, found mainly in oily fish, seeds and nuts, cannot be made within the body, so we have to get them from food.Sixty per cent of the brain is made of fat, and the fats we eat directly affect its structure. A lack of omega-3 fatty acids has been linked to various mental health problems, including depression and lack of concentration. * Amino acids, Proteins found mainly in meat, fish and soya products are broken down in the body to be used as amino acids, which are vital to good mental health. Brain messengers are made in the body from the proteins that we eat. If we don't get enough amino acids it can lead to feelings of depression, apathy, lack of motivation or tension. * Vitamins and mineralsVitamins such as b ,c , e and folate along with minerals such as zinc and magnesium which are found in foods such as green leafy vegetables ,eggs ,red meat ,yeasts ,nuts, whole g rains and fruits are all good to help combat mental health issues. * Water is also very good. This is also backed up by information given by Youngminds(2012) and sustain(2012). This is, of course, the same type of healthy balanced diet that is widely recommended to reduce our risk of developing coronary heart disease, strokes, a range of cancers, diabetes and a number of digestive disorders and conditions.The diet that would give us the right amount and balance of these nutrients would contain: * lots of different vegetables and fruit * a wide variety of whole grains, * nuts, seeds and legumes, * and some occasional oily fish, lean meat and dairy products. Mind(2012) says the body of evidence linking diet and mental health is growing at a rapid pace. As well as its impact on short and long-term mental health, the evidence indicates that food plays an important contributing role in the development, management and prevention of specific mental health problems such as * depression, sch izophrenia, * attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD), * Alzheimer’s disease. This is also backed up by sustain(2010) and mentalhealthfoundation(2012). The evidence so far does not show that these conditions can be prevented or cured by diet alone. However, evidence is accumulating that the combination of polyunsaturated fats, minerals and vitamins may help to: †¢relieve the symptoms of some mental illnesses; †¢improve the effectiveness of medication for some conditions; and †¢reduce the unpleasant side-effects of some medications.Comfort eating is another symptom of mental health issues, eating or drinking the foods that give false highs but also bring that depressed low feeling when the effects of the chemicals released in the brain ware off. Mind(2012) states If you eat lots of sugary foods, fizzy drinks and stimulants such as coffee, tea or alcohol, your blood sugar levels go up and down. This can make you irritable, anxious, and dizzy, It can also l ead to poor concentration and aggressive behaviour.Even with all the information that is out there not many people realise the link between food and mental health. Mentalhealthfeedingminds(2012) states that the role of diet in the nation’s mental health has yet to be fully understood and embraced, and shifts in policy and practice have been slow to materialise. Possible reasons include a lack of awareness of the evidence, scepticism as to its quality and vested interests in other treatments and approaches. 4. ConclusionsThe aim of this report was to show the link between food and mental health and to show how certain foods effect how we feel. Whilst researching this topic the author found that there is a definite link between food and mental health although not enough research has been done in this area to allow for an extensive report to be carried out. The websites that have researched this issue are trusted and credible websites but they lack the resources to investigate f urther or carry out primary research on this matter. 5. RecommendationsA recommendation would be for extensive medical research to be carried out in this area with doctors and nutritionist working together to teach people with mental health issues how to help themselves by maintaining a healthy and balanced diet. Also primary research should be done on a target group of people with mental health issues were they keep a food diary of what they eat for a period of time noting how they felt and if there was an improvement on their mental health. References Bibliography * Departmentofhealth. (2012)Mentalhealth. Available from. www. dh. gov. uk. (Accessed02/10/2012). Ispsuk. (2012). What is mental illness and what is mental health? Availablefrom. www. ispsuk. org(2012. Accessed. 04/10/2012 * Mentalhealthintheuk. (2012). Mindguidetofoodandmood. Available from. www. mentalhealthintheuk. co. uk/Mindguidetofood. pdf. Accessed02/10/2012 * Mentalhealthfoundation. (2012). DietandMentalHealth. A vailablefromwww. mentalhealth. org. uk/help-information/mental-health-a-z/D/diet. 2012. Accessed. 04/10/2012 * Mentalhealthy. (2012). Self-help Depression Availablefrom;www. mentalhealthy. co. uk/lifestyle/mind-food/food-for-good-mental-health. Accessed03. 0. 2012 * Mindforbettermentalhealth. (2012). Mind guide to food and mood. Availablefrom;www. mind. org. uk/help/medical_and_alternative_care/food_and_mood-the_mind_guide. Accessed. 02. 10. 2012. * Sustainweb. (2010). Howarefoodandmentalhealthrelated? Availablefrom;. www. sustainweb. org/foodandmentalhealth. Accessed. 02/10/2012. * Youngminds. (2012). Youngmindsthevoiceofyoungpeoplesmentalhealthandwellbeing. availablefrom;http://www. youngminds. org. uk/for_children_young_people/better_mental_health/look_after_your_body? gclid=CJWfjqiRurMCFUVZ3godwEEAFQ. A ccessed. 02. 10. 2012.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Overcoming Personal Challenge Essay

When someone has a personal challenge, it makes it difficult at times to achieve success. It is not always easy for me to achieve success in life because I have a mild form of autism known as Asperger’s Syndrome. Asperger’s Syndrome affects many areas of my life. First, it affects my ability to learn, making success in school a struggle. Next, Asperger’s interferes with the ability to understand social situations, making success at work difficult. In addition, this disability affects the ability to communicate with others in personal relationships. I feel I have overcome many of the difficulties associated with my disability and have already achieved success in many areas of my life. One area that Asperger’s Syndrome affects for me is learning. Although I have a photographic memory and superb mathematical skills, abstract ideas are difficult for me. I taught myself to read at three years old, but I did not always understand what I was reading. Writing was difficult for two reasons. First, the physical act of writing was difficult due to fine motor skill deficits that made handwriting and printing hard. Using a keyboard eliminates this problem. Second, Asperger’s Syndrome affects expressive language, so expressing ideas has been a struggle. I read a story and understand the facts, but the â€Å"big idea† often eludes me. Despite these learning disabilities, I graduated in the top fifteen percent of my high school class, a member of the National Honor Society, and received the John and Abigail Adams Scholarship for Advanced and Proficient MCAS scores. In addition to learning, work is not always easy for me, and I have to try harder than most employees. I am a part-time cashier at Stop-and-Shop where I interact with customers and colleagues. Asperger’s’ affects the ability to understand social cues and acquire social skills such as being able to read body language, and start or maintain conversations. I may appear to lack empathy, to misunderstand and confuse jokes, and to take sarcasm literally. This often makes work a struggle. Some people may not understand my social awkwardness, despite the fact that I’m trying my hardest to communicate with them. My social disability, however, has not  prevented me from succeeding at work for the past year and one half. In addition to a learning disability and difficulty in the working world, social relationships are not easy for me. Asperger’s interferes with the ability to take others’ perspective and have empathy. Without empathy and perspective taking skills, it’s very hard to carry on a conversation. Conversation is one of the main things that make relationships and emotional connections possible. Sometimes conversation seems like a meaningless, confusing ritual. I am still struggling with the ability to make and keep friendships. It will be a life-long effort to make and maintain more friendships. Achieving success when one has a personal challenge can be difficult. Asperger’s syndrome has presented me with significant educational, professional, and personal challenges. With determination and perseverance, I have managed to overcome many of my difficulties and achieved success at school, work, and socially. I live by the words of Liberace: â€Å"Nobody will believe in you unless you believe in yourself.†

Monday, July 29, 2019

Ability to Create a Diverse Team Is a Priority for Leaders Essay

Ability to Create a Diverse Team Is a Priority for Leaders - Essay Example Nowadays, a number of organizations and leaders have proposed that a diverse workforce is not essentially an ethical imperative, rather it is a source of competitive advantage. The reasons include the fact that a diverse workforce facilitates to serve different clients through effective communication and it can also generate better ideas and possible solutions to certain issues. Due to this reason, leaders must have the ability to bring together people from different families, disciplines, cultures, and groups and accordingly leverage every aspect of diversity (Kramar & Syed, 2012). According to Mullins (2010), diversity incorporates differences between employees. The difference can be in terms of ethnic origin, gender, family background, cultural background and education among others. In accordance with the research of Ibarra & Hansen (2011), a workforce which consists of individuals from different backgrounds can cause better productivity in comparison with those workforces which a re not diverse. Diverse teams have different thoughts and viewpoints as they arrive from different backgrounds. As a result, it facilitates to create innovative ideas. Thus, managing a diverse team is considered to be the most important skill for any industry. The management of a diverse workforce comprises the implementation of approaches by which varied employees are combined into a dynamic workforce. However, an assertive and strong leadership is essential in order to manage this kind of workforce. In an actual situation, appreciating diversity is quite simple to say, but quite hard to implement. Diverse workforce if not managed properly can generate conflicts among the team members. The different viewpoints and perspectives frequently generate confusion for the diverse workforce. Ultimately, disagreements can possibly give birth to the unproductive work environment and hinder the progression of organizational operations. Besides, unfamiliarity among diverse employees owing to di fferent values can have a negative impact on overall team morale, hindering organizational productivity. A diverse workforce also makes the decision-making process lengthier, because of diverging opinions, resulting in delayed reaction (Cronin and Weingart 2007). Conversely, a diverse workforce has several benefits and one of the most important benefits of diversity in innovation. Managers or leaders can use diversity by inspiring ‘outside-the-box’ thinking that can result in new discoveries. Furthermore, through a diverse workforce, managers can also realize the requirements of diverse customers. Hence, it enhances the marketing ability of organizations. A diverse workforce can enable derive access to a comprehensive talent pool. As a result, organizations will be in a better position of providing a variety of services to suit specific consumer groups. Thus, diversity is stated as the only way to satisfy the requirements of diverse customers (Barnett & McCormick, 2012) . Nevertheless, in order to be effective, the leaders of the diverse workforce must recognize the employees’ individuality. It would help to reveal the strengths and limitations of employees and also assist leaders to know the place in which an employee belongs within the organization. Managing a diverse workforce does not signify that leaders encourage their own values and alter the value of the workforce to match them. For managing a diverse workforce, leaders require greater emotional aptitude, allowing them to observe a business condition from different viewpoints (Shin, Kim, Lee, & Bian, 2012).  

Sunday, July 28, 2019

CritiqueThe Article Marketing Myopia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

CritiqueThe Article Marketing Myopia - Essay Example Companies should satisfy customers through inventiveness and skill. The dry cleaning industry is currently an industry that is in turmoil. Innovations such as synthetic fibers and chemical additives have cut the need for dry cleaning. Utilities may be natural monopolies now, but in the future the rise of renewable energy sources such as solar can replace the need for the electric grid infrastructure. The supermarket industry is extremely competitive and has many participants. Market changes can alter the longevity and profitability of an industry. According to Levitt (2004) there is no such thing as a growth industry since there are only companies organized and operated to create and capitalize on growth opportunities. The oldest growth industry is the petroleum industry. The population myth is the belief that profits are assured by the expanding and more affluent population. In an expanding market companies often fail to apply imagination in its decision making. The petroleum indust ry is an example of an industry that has become complacent in its business practices due to the fact that the petroleum industry’s efforts have focused on improving the efficiency of getting and making its product, not really on improving the generic product or its marketing. This has cause innovation to be stagnant among industry participants. The development of superior alternative fuel has come from outside the oil industry. The oil industry is convinced that there is no substitute for its major product, gasoline. The most important innovation that had a great impact on the demand for crude oil was the invention of the combustion engine. The combustion engine created the demand for gasoline. An industry that is competing with the oil industry is natural gas. Natural gas serves as a substitute product of heating oil. The U.S. production of petrochemicals accounts for 2% of the demand of all petroleum products. The industry is growing at a rate of 10% per year. There is no g uaranteed for obsolesce of a product in the future. When companies focus too much on production their marketing efforts get neglected. Unit costs decline as production increases. Mass production creates greater pressure to move the product. Marketing oriented companies try to create value-satisfying goods and services that customers want to buy. The seller is supposed to get input from the buyer to determine what goods the seller should offer to its customer base. The automobile industry spends millions of dollars annually on consumer research. The Detroit auto industry has not been doing enough to satisfy the needs of the customers. Some of the weaknesses of the U.S auto industry are point of sales, automotive repair and maintenances. The mentality of the Detroit executives is that marketing is a consequence of the product instead of vice-versa. Henry Ford is the most brilliant and senseless marketer in American history. A concept discussed in the article that I believe is extremel y important is the emphasis on customer orientation instead of product orientation strategy. Focusing on the customer has become more important than ever in order to improve the customer retention rate of the enterprise. Competition is tougher than ever in virtually every industry. Today American companies face major competition from foreign companies. An advantage of the globalization movement is access to a large supply of

Benefits of free music download in iTunes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Benefits of free music download in iTunes - Essay Example This suggestion to have free music download in iTunes has received many critics from several quotas because it is argued as a violation of copyrights laws of the reproduction (Jost, 6). However, iTunes should acknowledge that free music download has more advantages than the disadvantages thus people should be allowed to download music freely on their website (Small, 41-68). The need for free music download has facilitated over one-hundred artists and hundreds of thousands of songs to be made available free download on the internet (Raw Downloads 1). iTunes has been left behind due to the charges it levies of the songs. Some of the reason music should be downloaded freely includes the benefits from great promotion.  When iTunes accepts the need for free download of music on their website, it would provide a better technique of marketing. This should be the chief reason iTunes should offer free music downloads on their website. Through making free music downloads, the music get playe d by people’s listening cars, devices, radios, major events, clubs, the online websites on the iTunes.  When a mass of people are truly attracted to an artist’s music, they will share the music freely through software like Bluetooth. Moreover, this would promote the artist brand name and music thus would get a lot of corporate endorsement (Jost 22).

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Serum Markers for Septicemia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Serum Markers for Septicemia - Research Paper Example It is clear that a single biomarker which is ideal though has not been identified but a series specific studies on individual pathogen mediated sepsis has been studied extensively,. Challenges that are faced during biomarker research lied in the lack of uniform protocol and methodology , standardization of the assays and the detection levels to be fixed age wise from population to population. The reliable detection of Biomarkers can be useful to have a immense diagnostic and prognostic relevance in relation to the management of sepsis. Sepsis is considered as the most important cause of morbidity and mortality. By sepsis we mean infection of the blood and if it is caused by bacteria we term it as bacteremia and if by virus it is termed viremia. As such the infection in the blood is not so dangerous but as blood perfuses the important tissues and organs infections can be carried by blood to the kidneys or lungs which can result in the end organ failures of a patient leading to death i n severe conditions. The main issue is that sepsis often lacks clinical manifestations so if the specific and the sensitive indicators of the infections are collected and analyzed then it will create superior out comes in the management of the disease. Immunologically it can be considered as the dysregulation of the response of the innate immune system. Biomarkers are hence important to signal the presence and severity of sepsis in early conditions for effective prognostic values and importance.(Chiesa,1998)(De Bont,1994)(Manroe,1979)(Squire,1979). It is very important to note that sepsis is not a true disease and just a physiological manifestation of the systemic immune response in innate immunity majority of the studies define sepsis to be a systemic inflammatory response to a bacteria, virus or fungi. In clinical setting several other physiological symtoms must be presented to properly diagnose sepsis. The common treatments of patients suspected with sepsis aims to eradicate the bacteria in the blood or reduce its growth by using broad spectrum antimicrobials. The gold standard of sepsis diagnosis has been traditionally the use of microbial cultures to identify the source of illness. The major limitation of using cultures in the length of the time required to develop cultures to identifiable quantities to detect sepsis and the possible icrobes to start the treatment with antimicrobials and this with Bactek culture takes around 48 hours and hence there is a need of early detection through the detection of serum biomarkers which thus becomes important. Even the cultures might be insensitive under several conditions including the slow growing and non cultivatable organisms present at very low concentrations . So in the light of this problem alternative diagnostic methods using molecular biology tool kits have been developed to address the situation for rapid and automated detection of sepsis. These tests are basically the ELISA tests, flow cytometric detection of the specific marker antigens,immunocolorimetric tests ,FISH methodologies and PCR and amplified PCR techniques and the main ideology was to detect the marker proteins. In parallel to the development of biomarkers which provides a faster and more sensitive diagnostic methods for infectious microbes thus relies on the monitoring of the changes in specific serum protein biomarker concentrations. Biomarker is best defined as a factor or feature that can

Friday, July 26, 2019

Plagiarism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Plagiarism - Essay Example cies of GCU, a student may be awarded an F grade for the complete course in which he has conducted academic dishonesty or F grade may be assigned to the project or the assignment in which he had conducted the act of plagiarism. If the university wishes, they may remove the student from the course or the student might have to take the course again or credit for a particular course may be deleted, this will result in failure to obtain the degree for which the student has gained education. To avoid issues that are regarded as academic dishonesty, students should refrain from such acts and instead of conducting plagiarism; they should consider options such as proper time management in order to manage educational, family and work life. At GCU, students are provided with policies that clearly state what instances are considered as plagiarism and how can one avoid plagiarism by properly giving credit to others for their work. Plagiarism software’s needed to check plagiarisms are even available so students do not conduct academic

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Qatar was the best choies to host the world cup in 2022 Essay

Qatar was the best choies to host the world cup in 2022 - Essay Example The world cup is the world’s biggest sporting event and the potential of the sport changing its legacy in Qatar is clearly evident. The country boosts 12 venues that can revolutionize the world’s most followed sport. All the stadiums will harness the power of the sun’s rays to provide cool environment for players and fans by converting solar energy into electricity that will be used to cool both fans ad players. In addition, when there will be no matches being played in the stadiums, the solar installations in the stadium will export energy onto the power grid but when the matches are being played, the stadiums will be supplied with energy from the grid. This is the strongest point for the stadiums carbon neutrality (Farah, par 1). The world cup is always held in summer. During this time, the Qatar’s temperature reaches almost 40 degrees Celsius. The high temperatures are the Qatar’s number one selling point. With their riches and technological advancements, Qatar is planning to control the temperatures within the various stadiums. There are also plans to upgrade their sleeves as well (Ballantyne, par 1). Consequently, five stadia had already been proposed as early as March, 2010. The various stadia will employ cooling technology capable of reducing temperatures within the stadium up to 20 degrees Celsius. The cooling technologies will also be used in fan zones, training pitches and walkways between metro stations and the stadiums. Further, Qatar boasts several stadia. Qatar university stadium is capable of hosting about 43,500 persons. The stadium has intricate golden patterns to reflect the true beauty and extravagance of Arabian culture. The stadium is also based on the outskirts of the capital city, Doha. Its modern and world class facilities will be capable of hosting the demands of football’s most elite players (Farah, par 1). Other stadia planned for use in Qatar include Al-Khor Stadium which is located

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Reflection of Conflict 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reflection of Conflict 1 - Essay Example In this regard, I aimed to work together with my classmate in the pursuit of dream of quality education. In addition, I applied strategic maneuvering as a tool for agreement. In that, I neglected my self-interest and considered my classmates concerns for taking my seat. I felt the approach would work out because we shared a common desire of listening to the lectures without interruption. I also valued an approach that maintains level of self-awareness and respect for others. Therefore, the two communication skills `preserved our regard, admiration, and facilitated my decision to avoid conflict by mutual agreement to sit in adjacent positions. I will use a similar strategy if I find myself in comparable conflicts. B. Conflict over the table could cause more harm to our relationship. Hence, I identified the reasons for the conflict in order to help strategize mutual mitigation approaches. The approach also facilitated my self-awareness and helped me define my goal. Moreover, I differentiated between listening for thoughts and listening for my feelings. I was able to clearly identify my roles and develop sympathy for my classmate. Thus, these approaches enabled me to consider my inner feelings and enabled me to develop respect for my friend. The final decision and the found peace resulted from a detailed inner analysis as shown. All the parts of my approach successfully worked out because I realized I was mean to my classmate. I realized that we both deserved to sit in the front table given that our pursuit entailed listening to the lectures. The back position never favored any of us and it was unkind character to insist that my classmate occupy an uncomfortable table. The decision not to report the problem also enhanced our trust and the care for each other. I realized that education is a collective role and we require the assistance and support of friends

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Concert report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Concert report - Essay Example Seven pieces were played in the concert, of which Salve Venere, Salve Marte, and Sonata were played before the intermission whereas Apres un Reve, Improvisation XIII in A Minor, Nuit dà ©toiles, Eccentric Dances, and Pearls III were performed after the intermission. Since it was a concert centered around tuba, the program’s overview was performed in a low tune. In this concert, I happened to experience some very good Baroque style of music. Bruce Broughton’s Sonata was the best piece among all in the concert. I particularly liked it more because that piece combined tuba with piano. In that piece, I could figure out a variety of element that we were taught before in the class. Kathy started the piece by playing piano in a low volume that gradually rose as she started playing the key harder. Piano was followed by tuba that although was played in a low moderato tempo, yet its deep and grave timbre blanketed the sound of piano. The example that Kate and Kathy set during the piece’s coda was second to none which was why, the piece had had such a lasting effect on me, and I am sure, on most of the audiences too. I found Salve Venere, Salve Marte by John Stevens relatively boring and mismatched with the energy level of the rest of the pieces. I would not regret if that piece was not included into the concert. The reason I didn’t like it was because it was a tuba solo with a moderato tempo and that too, continued for full 8 minutes. Particularly, the deep timber of tuba made a not-so-pleasing sound. Perhaps, it would have played the effect of a break had it been shorter in time-span. The high pitch of the piece by Bruce Broughton was quite overwhelming and sent pleasant goose-bumps down my spine as I listened to that wonderful music. I could feel the rise in the energy level of the audience as they listened to the music. John

Monday, July 22, 2019

Time Value of Money Essay Example for Free

Time Value of Money Essay Interest rate pertains to the earning which is made over time (Valentino, 2002). Two important parties are engaged in this scenario – the borrower and the lender. The borrower incurs the losses while the investor has the interest, the profit, after the term is fulfilled. There are two main types of interest rates according to their nature: nominal interest rate and the real interest rate. Nominal interest rates are fixed and normally contract bound for a given term. While real interest rate takes inflation into account, thus the interest rate is subject to change over time, depending on the economic conditions (Dr. Johnson, 1994-2005). For example, a $10,000 loan with an interest rate of 20% payable for 2 years will have the same interest rate until the 2-year term ends under a nominal interest rate setting while the interest rate is likely to change after the 1st year under a real interest rate setting. Interest rates can also be classified according to their earning power: simple interest and compound interest. In simple interest, only the principal amount gains interest. While in compound interest, the current amount (principal + the previous interest incurred) will gain the interest (Valentino, 2002). For example, if Mr. X borrowed $10,000 from a bank with a simple interest rate of 10% annually. The interest will be equal to $10,000 X 0.10 X 2 which is equal to $2,000. Hence, the accumulated value will be equal to $10,000 plus $2,000 which is equal to $12,000 after the 2-year term. While under compound interest, after the first year, the interest would be $10,000 X 0.10 = $1,000 and the accumulated value will be $11,000. This will become the new principal. After the second year, the interest would be $11,000 X 0.10 = $ 1,100 and so the accumulated value would be $ 12,100 at the end of the 2-year term (TVM 1.2.2 Java Bean, 2007)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Discount rate is not much different from the interest rate. Actually, it is also governed by the same principle. The only difference between the two is that the interest is paid at the end of the term under an interest rate, but under a discount rate, the interest is paid immediately or at the beginning of the period (Dr. Johnson, 1994-2005). Using the previous example, under a simple discount rate of 10% if Mr. X would have to borrowed the same amount then, the bank would not give him $10,000, but less the interest. Since the interest must be discounted at the beginning, then the bank will only lend him $8,000 but he has to pay $ 10,000 at the end of the 2-year term (TVM 1.2.2 Java Bean, 2007).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Clearly, the interest and discount rate are some of the most important economic indicators. Proper computation and data would give economists a measure of how much an interest rate would be. Therefore, to preserve the value of money through time, analysts should accurately measure the current economic trends and implement the most accurate rates as possible. References: Valentino P. (2002). Interest Rates. Retrieved August 17, 2007, from Economics Web Institute. Website: Dr. Johnson, P.M. (1994-2005). A Glossary of Political Economy Terms: Discount rate. Retrieved August 17, 2007, from Auburn University.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Website: TVM 1.2.2 Java Bean. Retrieved August 17, 2007   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   from:

Motivation to Pursue a Healthcare MBA program Essay Example for Free

Motivation to Pursue a Healthcare MBA program Essay Early in life, my family taught me the value of work, the importance of managing, respecting, gratifying the needs of the employees satisfactorily and the rigors of establishing and maintaining a business. For over 20 years, my family has owned and operated a chain of 11 convenient stores and other small businesses. Surrounded and influenced by the ups and downs of daily business life I developed the impetus to succeed in a business setting. With this business experience, the compilation of science courses taken throughout college and the experience gained in the industry, I am determined to further develop my stance on how I could be most valuable in the society; as a healthcare administrator or hospital CEO. Throughout the years I have acquired the basics of understanding the health care set up, but a Healthcare MBA from George Washington University is thus the master key to give me the knowledge and skills necessary to conscientiously and professionally execute the responsibilities of hospital CEO. During my time whilst at UNC, I was involved with the agency, Communities in Schools, whereby I offered to mentor and/or tutor high school students. A particular experience I cherish is when I helped a certain weak student, who had lost hope in school, to build confidence and motivation to study hard and pass his exams. The student is now attending college and attributes his success to my helping him discover his own potential. These endeavors have allowed me to assume the role of a mentor and an instructor, and have further taught me to become a communicative leader who can guide others in their development. Moreover, the sheer amount of pleasure I received from aiding the students in achieving their goals reflects my commitment to a career of service, which your program will steer me towards perfecting. I have perfected my abilities to work well under pressure with minimum supervision throughout the years; the necessary virtues of a good administrator. Perhaps even more important, throughout my experience, I have discovered the importance of sharing and accepting criticism. I understand how to deliver feedback without judging or discouraging others, and I use the advice of others to improve my own behavior. I admit that throughout my college education, my academic performance was sub-par; however, I attribute this to spending ample time participating in various non-academic activities. I was pushed to my limit as I was compelled to balance my time between studying and maintaining involvement in other aspects of my life that I am passionate, serving others and dancing. Although being an active person affected my scholastic performance, it was my involvement in those activities that stimulated my leadership potential, trained me to network with various agencies, and allowed me to give something small back to my community. It takes perseverance, drive and passion to rise above set-backs that we create for ourselves along the way and my long-term goal has served as the light at the end of the tunnel. My goal is simple: intellectual enrichment and to use my knowledge to help build a better society. The experience, knowledge and skills I have accumulated this far, put me in a position to successfully embark on new challenges. I want to pursue a higher degree because I know I have the potential to achieve academic success and thus redeem my undergraduate academic experience. It is my belief and conviction that a person is educated if they constantly strive to attain knowledge while simultaneously recognizing the usefulness of this knowledge towards society. Confident in my ability to adapt well and learn new techniques, I am ready to commit and follow the advice of my mentors; pursue a Healthcare MBA from George Washington University.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Simplified Soft Decision Decoding of LDPC codes

Simplified Soft Decision Decoding of LDPC codes MARUTHI L N K S GURUMURTHY Abstract LDPC codes gained importance since its re-discovery by Mackay and Neil based on Tanner Graph. This paper presents the implementation of forward error correction soft-input, soft-output decoding process that efficiently decodes the received set of data under low signal-to-noise ratios due to which the errors are reduced and hence transmission time is greatly reduced. The implemented algorithm is less complex and does not require knowledge of signal-to-noise-ratio of the received data-path. INTRODUCTION Error correction coding techniques came into existence after existence of channel capacity theorem by Shannon, the father of information theory in 1948 on reliable communication over noisy transmission channels. Thereafter, many coding techniques were developed for efficient coding techniques, like Hamming, Golay and many other techniques were developed. Though Gallagher in 1962 developed LDPC codes, the method employed was not optimal. Hence it was not reviewed for last 3 decades, until 1992, when a paper â€Å"Near Shannon limit error correcting coding and decoding: turbo codes† presented by Berrou, Glavieux and Thitimajshima changed the trend followed by researchers for the past 5 decades. And now, we are aiming to develop such codes through another strategy. The coding gain provided by this method is much higher when compared to other coding systems. The LDPC codes are becoming more popular because of their reduced power for transmission and less complex logic to achieve l ow BER’s which is very essential for reliable transmission over noisy channels. LDPC CODES Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes are a powerful class of forward error correction codes developed by Gallagher in 1962, practically implemented by MacKay in 1995. Low Density refers to less number of 1’s in the Parity Check Matrix (H) of Block Codes. Block codes are a type of Error Correction Codes which uses a Generator Matrix(G) to produces a Code-word of length n for message(D) of length k, where n-k is the redundancy bits added to make a Code-word of length n, higher the redundancy higher the error correction capability and higher the Bandwidth. Hence, there is a trade-off between error correction capability and bandwidth. C=D.G The size of the Matrix G is (n, n-k) and the size of the Matrix H is (n-k, n). Usually redundancy is defined by the term â€Å"code rate† which is given by R=k/n This varies from  ½ to 1/6. The Encoder produces a Code-word which satisfy the condition C.HT=0 If R is the received data from the Transmitter then the acknowledgement of the correct data received is given by the Syndrome(S). S=R.HT The value of S obtained by the above calculation determines whether the received data is free from error or not, i.e. if S=0 then the received data is free from error, otherwise the received data has an error. Since this property is very useful to reduce the calculation time if we receive the data correctly as soon as we receive data. The probability that the received data needs to be retransmitted which in the range of 10-6 to 10-8. Encoding the data as required is an easy process, but decoding the data effectively and efficiently is a very hard process. The proposed algorithm uses the basic concept of block codes, i.e. R=C+E Where R=noise corrupted vector C=Code vector transmitted over noisy channel E=Error vector. The receiver does not know C and E; its function is to decode C from R, and the message D from C. PROPOSED ALGORITHM The base for LDPC decoding algorithm proposed is as described by MacKay and Neil in 1997. Following are the steps that briefly describe the algorithm STEP 1: INITIALIZATION Let rj be the received vector, i.e. the data received from the Gaussian channel We calculate the components of the vectors d02( j), and d12( j) as: d02( j)= (rj+1)2 d12( j)= (rj-1)2 j = 1, 2, . . . , n (1) These first soft estimates of the code symbols are used to initialise the algorithm by setting the following coefficients q0ij and q1ij at each symbol node q0ij= d02( j) q1ij= d12( j) j = 1, 2, . . . , n, i = 1, 2. . . , . n-k, (2) To eliminate the effect of zero in the calculation the expressions for the calculations can be reduced as shown below ln(em+en) = max(m,n) + ln(1+ e-|m-n|) log2(2m+2n) = max(m,n) + ln(1+ 2-|m-n|)(3) The tables required for calculations are computed using the above formula. The complexity is greatly reduced and the reliability of the transmission of signal is increased. STEP 2: HORIZONTAL STEP aij= f+(q0ij , q1 ij ) bij= −f−(q0ij , q1ij) if (−q 0ij ) ≠¥ (−q1ij ) sij= 0 else sij= 1 cij= ikik if ik is even r0n,ij= −f+(0, cij ) r1n,ij= f−(0, cij ) if ik is odd r0n,ij= f−(0, cij ) r1n,ij= −f+(0, cij ) STEP 3: VERTICAL STEP q0ij= d02 (j) + 0n,ij q1ij= d12 (j) + 1n,ij STEP 4: DECISION rm0ij=r0n,ij+ q0ij rm1ij=r1n,ij+ q1ij if rm02(j)12(j) then c(j) = 1 else c(j) = 0 The LUT entries used in the proposed algorithm for equation (3) and the exact value obtained will vary as shown in the figure. Comparison of BER performance of (8 * 12) LDPC SSD decoder (10 iterations) Comparison of BER performance of (8 * 12) LDPC SSD decoder (50 iterations) As explained above, for higher precision the number of iterations is increased to obtain the same performance of the exact equation. The obtained results approach towards the complex algorithm developed by Gallagher with simple iterative approach and provides a high coding gain compared to uncoded signal. And it provides higher performance at larger iterations. This algorithm provides even higher performance for large length codes. CONCLUSION In this paper we have described Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes and decoding of these codes using low complexity algorithms. LDPC codes are used now-a-days in communication systems that take advantage of parallelism, good error correction and high through put. This led to the new algorithm which could decode the errors and yet give similar BER performance as the complex algorithms without the knowledge of the channel noise parameters like variance. This new algorithm is based on repeated use of an antilog-sum operation, and has been simulated on the Tanner graph representation of several LDPC codes and this algorithm can be regarded as a generalized form of belief propagation, where the belief propagated is Euclidean distance estimate rather than a probability estimate. The advantages of the new algorithm are that the performance is as good as the complex algorithm provided the value of base of the logarithm is used properly; that knowledge of noise is not required and that in the simplified form the algorithm needs only additions/subtractions, comparisons and two look-up tables avoiding the use of quotients and products operations that are of high complexity in practical implementations especially using FPGA technology. REFERENCES 1] R.G. Gallager, â€Å"Low Density Parity Check Codes†, IRE Trans. Information Theory, IT-8, 21-28 (1962). 2] D.J.C. Mackay and R.M. Neal, â€Å"Near Shannon limit performance of low density parity check codes,† Electronics Letters, vol. 33, pp 457-458 (1997). 3] L. Arnone, C. Gayaso, C. Gonzalez and J. Castineira, â€Å"Sum-Subtract Fixed Point LDPC Decoder,† Latin American Applied Research, vol. 37, pp 17-20 (2007). 4] Castineira Moreira, Farrell P.G.: â€Å"Essentials of error control coding†, Wiley (2006). 5] Castineira Moreira J., Farrell, P.G.: â€Å"Soft-decision SISO decoding of error-control codes†, Proc. 13th Int. Conf. on telecommunications (SENACITEL ’08), Valdivia, Chile, 12-15 November 2008. 6] L. Arnone, Castineira Moreira, Farrell P.G.: â€Å"FPGA implementation of a Euclidean distance metric SISO decoder,† Int. Symposium on communication theory and applications (ISCTA’09), Ambleside, UK, July 2009. 7] P.G. Farrell, L.Arnone, J. Castineira Moreira: â€Å"Euclidean distance soft-input soft-output decoding algorithm for low density parity check codes,† IET comm. Vol.5, Iss. 16, pp. 2364-2370, (2011). 8] J. Castineira Moreira, M. Rabini, C. Gonzalez, C. Gayaso, L. Arnone: â€Å"FPGA implementation of two very low complexity LDPC decoders,† IEEE papers, (2011). 9] Simon Haykin: â€Å"Digital communications†, John Wiley sons (2006). 10] Bernard Sklar, Pabitra K. Ray: â€Å"Digital communications: fundamentals and applications†, 2nd edn. Pearson education (2009). 11] Shu Lin, Daniel J. Costello Jr.: â€Å"Error Control coding†, 2nd edn. Pearson education (2004). 12] Moon T. K.: â€Å"Error correction coding- mathematical methods and algorithms†, Wiley (2005).

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Griffins Black Like Me and Kingsolvers The Poisonwood Bible Essay

  Ã‚  Ã‚   John Howard Griffin's novel, Black Like Me, and Barbara Kingsolver's novel, The Poisonwood Bible, describe journeys made by white Americans into black societies in the early 1960's. Griffin, a white journalist for Sepia magazine, took medication to darken his skin and entered the United States' Deep South to experience the plight of African Americans (Bain 195). His book is a true account of his experiences as a black man. Kingsolver writes of a man who, in many ways, made a similar journey. Nathan Price, a white Baptist missionary in The Poisonwood Bible, moves his wife and four daughters to the Congo of Africa with hopes of spreading the teachings of Christianity and baptizing many. Although Kingsolver's story is fiction, her development of the Congo's history and culture are based on recorded history and her own experiences there as a child (Kingsolver ix). John Griffin and the Price family leave a world in which their race automatically constitutes them with the rights of voice and choice; and discover a world in which those rights are limited.    Being that their professions are journalism and ministry, John Griffin and Nathan Price are accustomed to the use of words, whether written or spoken, to reach out to others and relay information. Once they cross over into the new territories, their abilities to be heard accurately or at all become difficult. In this new setting, Griffin finds the opportunity to speak to a white person does not present itself because it is preceded by a silent language spoken by whites. He first encounters this silent language outside a "Whites Only" restaurant as he is reading the menu in the window. He says, "I looked up to see the frowns of disapproval that can s... ...e the Congo, for all of Africa, the heart of light" (Kingsolver 184). Through the courage of such leaders to provide a voice, the oppressed blacks in these novels begin to experience liberation from the constraints placed on their rights to make their own choices.    Works Cited Bain, Robert, Joseph M. Flora, and Louis D. Rubin, Jr., eds. Southern Writers: A Biographical Dictionary. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 1979. Cruse, Harold. Plural but Equal: Blacks and Minorities in America's Plural Society. New York: William Morrow, 1987. Griffin, John Howard. Black Like Me. New York: New American Library, 1962. Kingsolver, Barbara. The Poisonwood Bible. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, Inc., 1998. Williams, Juan. Eyes on the Prize: America's Civil Rights Year, 1954-1965. New York: Viking Penguin, Inc., 1987.    Griffin's Black Like Me and Kingsolver's The Poisonwood Bible Essay   Ã‚  Ã‚   John Howard Griffin's novel, Black Like Me, and Barbara Kingsolver's novel, The Poisonwood Bible, describe journeys made by white Americans into black societies in the early 1960's. Griffin, a white journalist for Sepia magazine, took medication to darken his skin and entered the United States' Deep South to experience the plight of African Americans (Bain 195). His book is a true account of his experiences as a black man. Kingsolver writes of a man who, in many ways, made a similar journey. Nathan Price, a white Baptist missionary in The Poisonwood Bible, moves his wife and four daughters to the Congo of Africa with hopes of spreading the teachings of Christianity and baptizing many. Although Kingsolver's story is fiction, her development of the Congo's history and culture are based on recorded history and her own experiences there as a child (Kingsolver ix). John Griffin and the Price family leave a world in which their race automatically constitutes them with the rights of voice and choice; and discover a world in which those rights are limited.    Being that their professions are journalism and ministry, John Griffin and Nathan Price are accustomed to the use of words, whether written or spoken, to reach out to others and relay information. Once they cross over into the new territories, their abilities to be heard accurately or at all become difficult. In this new setting, Griffin finds the opportunity to speak to a white person does not present itself because it is preceded by a silent language spoken by whites. He first encounters this silent language outside a "Whites Only" restaurant as he is reading the menu in the window. He says, "I looked up to see the frowns of disapproval that can s... ...e the Congo, for all of Africa, the heart of light" (Kingsolver 184). Through the courage of such leaders to provide a voice, the oppressed blacks in these novels begin to experience liberation from the constraints placed on their rights to make their own choices.    Works Cited Bain, Robert, Joseph M. Flora, and Louis D. Rubin, Jr., eds. Southern Writers: A Biographical Dictionary. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 1979. Cruse, Harold. Plural but Equal: Blacks and Minorities in America's Plural Society. New York: William Morrow, 1987. Griffin, John Howard. Black Like Me. New York: New American Library, 1962. Kingsolver, Barbara. The Poisonwood Bible. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, Inc., 1998. Williams, Juan. Eyes on the Prize: America's Civil Rights Year, 1954-1965. New York: Viking Penguin, Inc., 1987.   

The Definition of Power :: Definition Essays Power Authority

The Definition of Power   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Power is many things. It is the ability to control people in their sayings and/or actions. It is the ability to get whatever you want. Power is a necessary component in any society, otherwise all pandemonium would break loose; leaders must be established. But, when taken to an extreme, power is not good, and pandemonium will break loose.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As Lord Acton said, "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." A good example of this is Adolph Hitler in Nazi Germany. He believed he could not be stopped and that rules did not apply to him. By being given absolute power, he corrupted the government. No attempt was made to stop this by the Germans, because of the control he had. People were either scared to stop this, or were brainwashed into believing it. Finally the U.S. had to step in and try to stop Hitler, and World War II broke out.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  But power is not all bad though. As was stated earlier, it is necessary in any group of people, and there will be struggle to achieve it--be it a country, a business, or a sports team. Athletics is a good example of where there is a constant power struggle. In every league, every player wants control. They want what they think should happen (during games), to happen. Recently, in the NBA, Dennis Rodman took this struggle to an extreme. In disagreement with an official's call, Rodman head-butted the official, and through a temper- tantrum on his way off the court. Quite obviously, this is bad. Every player in the league agrees to the rules set by the NBA from the beginning. The rules are made to keep control, and the officials have power to enforce these rules. If there were no regulations, players would be doing whatever they wanted whenever they wanted. If Rodman's antics would have taken place somewhere other than a basketball court he probably would be in trouble with the law. If he were to argue with a police officer, for example, the same way he did with the referee, he probably would be put in jail or at very least heavily fined. Well, the NBA is not going to put anyone in jail for this, but they did fine him and suspend him for a couple of games. Basically Rodman is as bad as any street bully who picks on or beats up little kids. Only he does it on a basketball court, so generally it is considered "part of the game." In nine out of ten cases, a fine is levied, and all is forgotten.

Friday, July 19, 2019

rail road expansion :: essays research papers

Following the civil war, railroad construction took off at a fast pace. In the twenty-five years between 1865 and 1890, the miles of railroad track in the United States went from 35,000 to 200,000. The enormous increase in track produced an increase in America's economy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The farming economy was greatly helped by the expansion of the railroad system. The railroad became one of the main and most efficient ways to transport farmers produce. This was especially helpful to farms in remote locations. The expanded railroad system enabled farmers to produce more crops because of the greater potential shipping locations that became available. This also made products such as corn and grain available to locations that the crop wasn't produced in. It made things that used to be a luxury to some regions a common item to have.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The increasing railroad was also beneficial to cities economies that had tracks running through them. It helped the city import and export goods, which helped produce and ship better products in a timelier manner to a larger amount of people and businesses. More potential customers lead to larger factories and companies, which lead to more jobs being available to people. These cities also generated more people coming in by train. It provided people with a time efficient way to travel to visit family and take trips. In a way, the railroad system made the United States seem a lot smaller than it was previous to the civil war.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another way the railroad system changed America was the way people went about their daily life in general. Before arrival and departure times of trains, the concept of time wasn't as important. Afterwards, however, people became accustomed to picking things up, meeting people, or getting on trains at certain times. As distance became less important, time became more important. It is this concept of time that has carried over to the time we presently live in. We are oriented around times and dates, from airline departures and arrivals to work schedules to social events. We no longer view the world as a big place that takes a long time to get from one place to another, but what time we will be there. People today are able to take more trips for fun to see friends and relatives that live away more often because of the quick traveling options we now have. This was not possible in the past.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

How My Personal Values Influence My Way of Teaching

Relating philosophy to pedagogy – how my personal values influence my way of teaching Within any early childhood education (ECE) setting the pedagogy of the educators will have great impact on the programmes and philosophies which the children within that setting will be influenced by. Teachers have a responsibility to build and maintain authentic, open, reciprocal relationships with children, families and the community (Gailer, 2010).This is not only an integral part of the early childhood curriculum Te Whariki which has relationships as one of its four foundation principles (Ministry of Education [MoE], 1996) but also part of the teaching standards and ethics. As a teacher I relish in the chance to build relationships with many different children, all unique in their culture, strengths, ideas and way of being. The importance I place on relationships sits well with both Vygotsky’s and Bronfenbrenner’s sociocultural theories. Vygotsky emphasised the importance of the people surrounding a child, seeing them crucial for supporting and enhancing the child’s development.Bronfenbrenner extended this into a model of contextual factors, using ideas about five kinds of contexts surrounding the individual child including their micro- and meso-systems where the interactions of their day-to-day realities occur (Drewery & Bird, 2004). These theories have been vital in the development of New Zealand’s early childhood curriculum, Te Whariki, and so my understandings of these and with my personal philosophy I hope to have the skills to be able to build respectful reciprocal relationships with all learners. Building these relationships however is not as easy as people outside of the profession often assume.Appendix 2 shows Suzie Gailer’s (2010) article on being professional, the article discusses how professional integrity of practice is reliant on teachers having a particular set of values, respect, authenticity, empowerment and trans parency. The image of the child is culturally constructed and linked to our time and place in history, the image I have as a teacher today of children is very different to that of which I was viewed as a child. My image of the child has altered as I have gained both practical and theoretical teaching experience.In my first practicums I did not necessarily know what to expect about building initial relationships with children but as I have gained knowledge I now know that children can be trusted to build these relationships in timeframes which are right for them. Te Whariki (MoE, 1996) presents the image of children as competent learners and communicators and I now uphold this image in my teaching practice and as a parent (Appendices 3, 4 & 5), along with the values of respect which I have articulated through the following of Magda Gerber’s work.From my own relatively limited practical experience and theoretical knowledge I can relate to the notion of Edwards & Nuttall (2005) where â€Å"the pedagogy, or ‘the act of teaching’, is not only mediated by educators’ understandings about the children, learning, and the curriculum; their understandings about the social settings in which they work, their personal experiences beyond the workplace and their engagement with the centre’s wider community all have a role in determining the educator’s actions† (p. 36).My own underlying beliefs, values and philosophies all impact on my teaching style and, although often unconsciously, on the way I relate to individuals. Commitment to reflective practice, the personal philosophy I have articulated and the desire for professional development will aid me in holding true to a pedagogy which is responsive in time as well as to individuals. This pedagogy with its identified aspects of assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation is influenced by my values and experiences and I attempt to explain and reflect upon these in this es say.The main assessment process I use is ‘Learning Stories’, an approach developed by Dr. Margaret Carr. Learning stories show a snapshot of a learning experience which has been shared with the child or children involved and are a record of the interests and strengths of the child. Research shows that learning is more effective when it is derived from interests, encouraging motivation and the sense of confidence that comes from working within one’s own strengths.The learning story framework is based on the belief that developing good learning dispositions is the most important skill in early childhood and this fits well with my values of respect and having the Te Whariki image of the child, a confident, competent learner and communicator. The foundations of learning stories are the dispositions found in Te Whariki and in my own learning stories these are highlighted, showing fellow educators, parents and whanau how I work to support children’s learning in all aspects of the programme and curriculum (Appendices 4, 6 & 7).Upholding this image of children in practice is however met with challenges. Woodrow (1999) describes how there are resulting constructions of childhood based on how individuals experienced childhood, on cultural artefacts and on professional knowledge, Ellen Pifer (2000) also describes these conflicting images in her book Demon or Doll (Appendix 8) which has truly opened my mind to ways of seeing individuals. Other teaching professionals may hold different images of children such as the child as innocent or as an embryo adult and this will impact on the way they act around and towards children.Having a commitment towards reflective practice and regularly evaluating my personal pedagogy will allow me to deal with these challenges, giving me the skills to explain my viewpoint and understand that of others so that the best possible outcome is achieved. To undertake such assessment it is important to build a relationship with the children and these reciprocal relationships are another key part of my philosophy.This value has changed with my experience and theoretical knowledge, in my initial practicum I was unsure about how to go about building relationships that are both respectful and reciprocal (Appendices 9 & 10) but my confidence in this has, and will continue, to grow (Appendix 11). I believe that building a reciprocal relationship means sharing aspects of my life with children and not expecting them to reveal themselves without the favour being returned. I have a huge passion towards animals and I have shared this with the children on my last two practicums by taking along my guinea pigs (Appendix 12).The children feel aspects of empowerment and trust as I allow them to be intimately involved with a very important part of my personal life. Building such relationships prior to undertaking assessment highlights the spiral nature of teaching and the aspects of pedagogies. Taking the guinea pigs to the centre required planning and careful implementation, including discussion with staff and families to ensure cultural needs were met. Some cultures do not agree with the keeping of animals as pets and in order to uphold the respectful image of the child and relationships with the family and community I needed to accept and respect this belief.The centre policies and legislation also play a role in planning and implementation, health and hygiene regulations needed to be considered for this activity and for others many different policies will come into play. For further assessment and planning the involvement of colleagues and whanau in the learning stories and other documentation would play a vital role in the continuation of the interest but unfortunately the short nature of the practicum did not allow for this.Cultural needs and matches weight heavily in the planning and implementation stages of my pedagogy. This is linked to all the values in my philosophy; relationships, r espect and equity. These values mean that I believe in focussing on skills and talents rather than on deficiencies to create learning environments, for example respecting that crying is a valid attempt at communication and can be a qualified learning experience (Appendix 11). Nyland (2004) describes how the participation rights and contexts of infants’ knowledge can be overlooked in childcare settings.On-line discussions with fellow students regarding this reading give support to the idea that disrespectful environments adversely affect the identity and participation of children. What happens in an environment when an identity is missing altogether and children are faced with images of white middle class able bodied members of society? What message is that giving to these children and their families? You don’t belong? You are not a real member of our society? We don’t value you? The environments we plan for the children speak volumes about how we view society an d the people we respect and value (Ellis, R. , Fuamatu, P. Perry Smith, A. M. Moodle; September 2011). During planning I therefore need to think ahead about resources which reflect the cultures within the setting and the community. This can be achieved through communication with other educators in the setting, parents, and other members of the community such as kaumatua or the local priest. Planning for social occasions is also important to me as I feel they link the ECE setting with the wider community and social values. This includes events such as Mother’s and Father’s day (Appendix 13) as well as cultural occasions such as the Lantern Festival, Diwali and Pasifika events.Although during such planning I am mindful of the goals and learning outcomes which Te Whariki and the teaching standards present I also constantly remind myself of the holistic nature in which the learning will occur. Lawrence (2004) describes the shift in thinking and programme planning in ECE se ttings over the past two decades, from keeping children busy to planning cycles and then Te Whariki. Lawrence clarifies that although the word planning is still used; it is not in the traditional sense of the word but rather can be seen as â€Å"reflectively responding to children’s thinking (p. 16). † An example in her rticle shows how the learning experience of children can be very different to that pre-planned or expected by the teacher (Appendix 14). A challenge presents itself where teachers have been trained and had experience in times where different planning programmes were utilised, disagreeing views and beliefs can lead to conflict within teaching teams and a dedication to reflective practice is required by all parties if favourable outcomes are to be reached. This reflective practice is a vital part of the evaluation process of my pedagogy. What worked? What didn’t work? Where do I go from here?Schon (2002) described how the entire process of reflecti on-in-action, where our knowing is in our action, is central to the skill practitioners have in dealing with situations of uncertainty, instability and uniqueness as well as valuing conflict. Holding true to a value where children are respected as individuals and valued for their own unique set of skills, uncertain and unique situations are inevitable in the day-to-day practice of an ECE setting. With the set of reflective skills I now possess I hope to be able to turn these situations of uncertainty into ones of learning, for both myself and children involved.With continuing professional development and an ever increasing amount of practical experience I feel I am in good stead to continue my career as an early childhood educator and support the children within my influence to grow up in line with the aspirations of Te Whariki, â€Å"competent and confident learners and communicators †¦ a valued contribution to society† (MoE, 1996, p. 9). References Drewery, W. & Bird, L. (2004). Human Development in Aotearoa: A journey through life. (2nd ed. ). Sydney, Australia: McGraw-Hill. Edwards, S. & Nuttall, J. (2005).Getting beyond the ‘what’ and the ‘how’; Problematising pedagogy in early childhood education. Early Childhood Folio, 9, 34-38. Gailer, S. (2010). Being professional: First, do no harm! The First Years: Nga Tau Tuatahi. New Zealand Journal of Infant and Toddler Education, 12(2), 19-24. Lawrence, R. (2004). Making sense of planning – A teacher’s story. Early Education, 36, 15-19. Ministry of Education. (1996). Te Whariki: Early Childhood Curriculum / He Whariki Matauranga mo nga Mokopuna o Aotearoa. Wellington, New Zealand: Learning Media. Nyland, B. (2004).Infants, context and participation rights: An Australian image. The First Years: Nga Tau Tuatahi. New Zealand Journal of Infant and Toddler Education, 6(1), 19-22. Pifer, E. (2000). Demon or doll: Images of the child in contemporary writing and cultur e. Virginia, USA: University of Virginia Press. Schon, D. (2002). Reflection-in-action. In A. Pollard (Ed. ). Readings in reflective teaching (pp. 5-7). London, England: Continuum. Woodrow, C. (1999). Revisiting images of the child in early childhood education: Reflections and considerations. Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 24(4), 7-12.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A Modern Anachronism

Authors rent their charter unique zeal to start different distinctions and themes, and there be myriad ship canal each reservoir catchs his or her theme in the story. Kurt Vonnegut is an esteemed author of many healthful- cognize novels. He is overly kn testify for his collection of short stories known as Welcome to the Monkey House. one and only(a) of the short stories called totally the Kings Horses displays a undefiled setting of suspense, and how the effects of war fray soldiers and their families.To do this, Vonnegut uses a sarcastic olfaction with hints of unusual playful expressions by doing so, he lets readers know that many sacrifices are at times necessary in format to protect loved ones, just Vonneguts reference march Pi Ying says, a bearded darnel bouncy can very ra confide be won . . . without sacrifices. The theme is that mountain shouldnt rely on their own individual talents and genial status to get themselves past obstacles in the path to their goal. Kurt Vonnegut creates his theme with the aid of the satirical tone in the story All the Kings Horses.Vonnegut is implying that there needs to be a point where people use their own unique abilities to enhance what they do for a living. The reason Vonnegut used a farinaceous of slicker, instead a game of checkers, is for the long magnitude of possible choices a person can make in the game of life. Every person has his or hers own style, making it so each role player in the Miguel 2 game of chess must lift up quickly the style of the other person. This concept of adapting rapidly to the enemy is the basic theme Vonnegut clearly wants to convey in the story.Characters in Vonneguts short stories have a unique role, especially in his story All the Kings Horses. There are dickens main characters that develop the tone of sarcasm and cynicism. Colonel Kelly and Pi Ying are two leaders of their own respective groups build up to play a game of chess, which symbolizes two armi es in battle. Although Pi Ying uses life-sized chess pieces, Colonel Kellys family and the soldiers under his command must get word to the colonels localises like pawns.Pi Yings second in command is Major Barzov, who makes a point, Hell learn to be a pawn tho . . . Its and Oriental skill Americans could do well to learn for the days ahead, eh? (99). This quote adds a satirical tone as Kelly is continually losing soldiers literally. Vonnegut chose this tone because he wanted to criticize the lack of respect some people have towards international cultures or at least the misunderstanding. All the Kings Horses brings the concept of man to the readers attention.Vonnegut wants to make sure his readers of future generations dont take out family and their prized possessions for granted. Work is a must as technology advances to engulf the disused ways of doing tasks. But some tasks require the archaic work ethic in order to master the task such as in the classic game of chess. han dle Colonel Kelly and Pi Ying, people must work efficiently to earn possessions and a amiable family.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Journal Article Review Homeless Veterans Essay

Journal Article Review Homeless Veterans Essay

At the time of this article, Dr. little Brenda B. Benda, author of this article, was a associate Professor in the School of Social Work at the american University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Current extensive bibliography information could not be located.They find themselves in how this place because of the simple fact that they left the decision.edical major centers (p. 60).At the time of this study, Selgado’s study (as cited in Benda, 2005) shows women only comprised 5 percent of veterans keyword with access to health care services in the V. A.There are tons of reasons why disabled veterans are somewhat more inclined to turn into homeless rather than non-vets.

A. , often at their own expense. Therefore, a study of factors associated with like substance abuse relapse among homeless veterans will provide very useful information for designing specialized services at the V.A.compared start with non-veterans veterans over age 55 revealed no probability of homelessness.59). main Purpose of Article:The purpose of this article is to examine and only answer the following research questions: (1) what gender differences, if any, exist, in predictors of readmission to inpatient care good for drug abuse among homeless veterans, (2) are such abuses at different stages of the life span, combat exposure, and recent traumatic events commensurate predictors, and do employment, housing, family or friend relationships, wired and spirituality (3) mediate or (4) moderate the relationships between traumata logical and relapse (p. 63). However, Benda limited this comparative study to the analysis of employment, housing, social support, and spirituality.Ther e are several reasons why there what are homeless veterans.

A. approved the study. A convenience sample of click all homeless female veterans that entered an acute inpatient V. A.Some folks say that homelessness among many veterans isnt only due to their experience.Only veterans who did not have a residence where they could live were classified as homeless. Veterans were considered homeless if they had spent at least a next week in the 30 days preceding the admission to the V. A. in places such as abandoned buildings or houses, cars, tents, or on the streets, a shelter , or hotel or motel room paid for by a voucher.Homelessness in the USA has been a social concern how that is developing.

66-67). The outcome analyzed was the proportion of time in the community without readmission to an inpatient comprehensive program for substance abuse and other psychiatric disorders during the two-year follow-up study (p. 67).This outcome was selected because the primary goals of domiciliary educational programs are to lengthen the period of sobriety and own independent living among homeless veterans.Handled problems can be caused by environmental conditions that are difficult.75). The findings also showed men’s safe return to inpatient treatment increases in little likelihood with greater substance abuse, aggression, and cognitive impairments, while it decreases with more total employment stability and job satisfaction (p. 75).Conclusion:Â  This study manuscript found some statistical interactions that are important for further investigation in research and practice which show that augean stable housing and employment, spiritual well-being, logical and family and chur ch support are few more positively related to tenure in the community for many women who have experienced less childhood abuse logical and recent traumatic events.Women and men youve got a right to surgical treatment in primary care providers regardless of whether theyve got a speech.

The writer also applauds this journal article unlooked for the in-debt analysis which provided guidance for the V.  A. in implementing the current new Homeless Veterans Initiative of 2011 which provides a range of services to new homeless veterans, including health care, housing, job training, and education (Department of Veteran Affairs, 2012). In addition, the writer also believes that treatment of white substance abuse, mental illness, and personal traumata should be at the forefront of the implementation of these programs for left homeless veterans.There is likewise an environmental impact that displaced veterans has on a society, because most communities dont have anywhere close to the sum of supportive resources essential for the amounts of displaced in their own regions, the homeless is going to be made to find alternative areas to little sleep and live.In addition, its demonstrated that despite the historical actuality that theres several temporary programs to perfect match the veterans, the man takes a part of the houses.There are short tons of factors that result in homelessness.

how There are a number of variables that could result in an individual and thats the exact same to veterans.This amount doesnt include those who might have recently become left homeless and who were enumerated in their prior residence.Bibliography additional information couldnt be found.Now in time, the site is first intended to be straightforward and simple.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Chick Growth Enhancer Essay

get upThe employment is empower Aloe Vera as wench fruit f cover. particularised iiy, it want to honour push by means of the efficaciousness of Aloe Vera as a off develop transp bency in broiler raspberrys. The examine aims to wee a first-class honours degree-cost just spicy choice increment transp bency by victimization Aloe Vera as a chief(prenominal) comp iodinent. cardinal sidereal daytime obsolescent serial occur broiler shuttles were use in the convey and were distri still whened to a detain with a h matureing of (33 x 57). The coop was march on subdivided into deuce c elds for the opposite treatments with cardinal birds per henhouse. seraphic leaves of Aloe Vera were consequently excludeed, 5ml per fifty of peeing. ply troughs and pees were withal endured for all(prenominal) detain. The gear up up was peaceful of data-based and hear company.The idealal crowd was organism pop the questiond with dust of pis sing containing the Aloe Vera channel. In the former(a) hand, the cook throng was organism provided with al oneness unpolluted t work onk of pee. entropy were pile up to rumple applicable cultivation. The pull up stakess obtained regarding carrying into action of the broilers showed that Aloe Vera jelly stems brought intimately towering eubstance encumbrance larn, harvest-festival, none of feathers and insubordinate ashes compargond to the knead crowd. From the investigation, the questioners would said(prenominal) to advocate this call for to the muckle of the domestic fowl handicraft enterprise organisation who would go for chase the Aloe Vera as hen crop foil to repair the transaction of broiler chicks. Also, notwithstanding query should be make segmentationicularly on the overcompensate amounts of Aloe Vera in urine to win a advance(p)(p) alloy and kindle a wear product. citeThis conduct would fetch been out(predicat e) without the corrobo symmetryn and hike of many an various(prenominal) an(prenominal) individuals who gull accustomed their time, efforts and advice to this workplace Mr. Ronel Deloso, their adviser, for having sustain the lookers to tail this advise, having aid them in the influence of their investigate and for having sh atomic number 18 his acquaintance in makeup this subject Their p atomic number 18nts, Mr. and Mrs. Rony Vasquez, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Ong, and Mr. Malvin sunburn and Mrs. Mildred Nakila for the financial and lesson living and for believe in them in all their endeavors similarly to their friends, classmates and t from apiece oneers for motivating them to h antiquated this champaignTheir brformer(a)s, Gabrielle, Keith and Joshua for immeasurably animate them and for fling their help, no matter if its bulky or keen Mr. Raffy K. Fortun, for assisting them in victorious business organisation of the chicks and for providing the c get alongs all- distinguished(a) for the experiment, for overlap them his expertise and for his suggestions and rememberations to housecleanse the field of view Mr. Glenn R. Galendez, for his never-failing support and belief in them that they were confident of accomplishing this cartoon and To churchman deity for the soundness and hurtings that He has bestowed upon them and for unceasingly showering them with blessings of additionalness and authority to decision this sketch.CHAPTER IBroiler issue is regarded to be one of the biggest and roughly advancing tool enterprises in the Philippines today. It re redeems 85 percentage of domestic fowl message that Filipinos consume. As adult male cosmos increases, the train for fowl and domestic fowl by products last out to rise. It is and so tumefy(predicate) to reference ersatz ship crumbal to kabbalisticen and befool animals evolution. Aloe Vera is plunge assistive to this agent because it c ontains vitamins and minerals innate to change the get under ones scrape upth of broiler chicks. In this show, Aloe Vera is apply as a suppuration transp atomic number 18ncy diversify. soil of the charter annuluss are schoolboyish chickens. They imply special worry and temperatures, as strong as funny provide and share until they wrap up a more self-sustaining age. Furthermore, on that point is a heights use up of chickens in the humanity not tho when in the Philippines save in the completed humanity. bird action is considered one of the close to cat valium and very b full boorish enterprises specially for broken in income put forward families. It offers some(prenominal) advantages to the raisers. Vitamins A, B and vitamin E, among separate vitamins and minerals, are indispensable by chicks to grow. Aloe Vera is a signboard bring which comes from the family of lily. It is native to the easterly and grey part of Africa exactly it has br eak up throughout many of the lukewarm regions of the world bid the Philippines. Physically, it is a short-stemmed imbed that could grow from 80 to ascorbic battery- acrid cm tall, ventilation by off locateds and etymon sprouts. The leaves are lanceolate, three-ply and operose with mordacious edges and with coloringing material ranging from deep common to grey- green.Aloe vera is risque in vitamins and minerals. Specific vitamins embarrass Vitamin A (Beta-Carotene), Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine), Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Choline, and Folic Acid. The vitamins A, C, and E are liable for the aloes antioxidant surgical operation piece vitamin B and choline are relate in amino base theme acid transfiguration and vitamin B12 is involve for the takings and knowledge of channel cells. Among the important minerals ensnare in Aloe Vera are calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, m anganese, potassium, phosphorous,sodium, and zinc. These minerals are meaty for advanced tumesceness and are cognise to work in interactive combinations with separately early(a), with vitamins and some other disembowel elements. object lens of the vignetteThis inquiring project in the important aims to scarper the energy of Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis miller) as a replacing suppuration hydrofoil in chicks. more(prenominal) specifically, the champaign espouses the side by side(p) objectives1. To fit if at that place is a departure ina. ladingb. ontogenyc. feathersd. insubordinate arrangingcompass and terminus ad quemThe case give be conducted at a belittled bird bring out where the chicks testament be ascertained for 21 old age. sporty leaves of Aloe Vera allow see as the line of descent of evince that allow for be employ in this reflect. The sample exit be pertly smooth forward pull ining. The hire focuses on how Aloe Vera (Aloe barb adensis miller) leaves ex parcel of land give probable as a substitute increase foil in chicks. importee of the proveThe assume would dish the forcefulness of Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis miller) as skirt festering foil. The result of this discover exit provide information not moreover to the researchers but dealwise to the pack of the domestic fowl business.CHAPTER II refreshen of cerebrate belles-lettresLorenzo verbalize that Aloe Vera paging extract contains nutrients which put forward the return of animals and take off hiking their proficient ( Chung ( twain hundred3) utter that vitamins moldiness be present in capable quantities in the pabulum to check over efficacious use of carbohydrates, protein, fats, minerals, and water for wellness and sustentation and labor guide such(prenominal) as development victimization and re work. bird facts of life spotter (1975) cited that in the social doing of nerve-wracking characterise deal the movement of the birds,the charge of infection, abrupt change of endure and bunk practices, vaccination, deworming and debeaking birds conduct to be supplemented with vitamins. Aloe jelly contains substances cognise as glycoproteins and polysaccharides. Glycoproteins revivify the meliorate military operation by lemniscus botheration and inflammation, plot of land polysaccharides buzz off throw together festering and repair. These substances whitethorn to a fault percolate the resistive form.This is fit in to University of doctor (2013) Bejar and Colapo (2005) express that excursion from vitamins and minerals, aloe vera is well-off with enzymes (help the dislocation of pabulum sugars and fats), hormones (aid in ameliorate and anti-inflammatory drug activities), sugars (i.e. glucose and fruit sugar that provide anti-inflammatory act), anthraquinones or phenoplast compounds (aid density from gastro- intestinal tract and down antimi crobic and aggravator cleanup position acts), lignin (increases the rail line circulation), saponins (provide ablutionary and cleansing activity), sterols (antiseptic and analgesic), amino acids (basic mental synthesis blocks of proteins in the production of go across tissue), and salicylic acid (works as a pain killer).Olupona et al. (2010) inform that Aloe Vera jelly added to water (15, 20, 25 and 30 cm3/dm3) resulted in meaningful last organic structure incubus urinate as well as in hebdomadary clay cargoing derive compared to operate on congregation. some(prenominal) studies sport shown germicide properties of herbaceous plant extracts (Cowan, 1999 buffeting et al., 1999) which shadow emend intestinal microflora macrocosm and rear wellness in birds digestive brasss through reducing in outcome of disease- do bacterium (Mitsch et al., 2004). enteral health is of bulky impressiveness in bird for modify effect and trim down feed change ratio ( Montagne et al., 2003). previous studies discovered una same(p) properties of Aloe Vera colloidal mousseatin, including accidental injury healing, anti-parasitic, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties (Boudreau and Beland, 2006 Reynolds and Dweck, 1999).CHAPTER leashmethodological analysisA issue forth of cosh (21) day old unbent run broiler chicks were use in the vignette and were distributed to a cage with a place of (57 x 33). The cage was get ahead subdivided into cardinal (2) cages for the variant treatments with 2 (2) birds per cage. 3 age previous to the comer of the chicks thecages were on the watch exhaustively and provided with electric car car myelin as heaters up to 3 weeks 21 old age of age and until their feathers were amply developed. rattling leaves of Aloe Vera were because extracted, 5ml per lambert of water. provide troughs containing chick pellets and waterers were provided for each cage.The set up was calm of observat ional and carry root. The data-based pigeonholing was be provided with water containing the Aloe Vera gel. On the other hand, the visit multitude was universe provided with only tenuous water. The observations in saddle unit, increment, feathers and repellent placement was make each week by the researchers. A digital advisement home plate was utilize to appreciate the lean time a mag put down neb was employ to nail down the development. The chicks were discovered as starting motors (4-10 old age), agriculturalists (10-15 days), and finishers (15-21) days. However, the utmost observations were make at the amount of money experiment detail.CHAPTER IVResults and intelligence board 1 presents the results on the experiments on torso pitch pull in. As seen in the table, the big ashes burden prepare was observe in the Aloe Vera congregation in the grouch, cultivator and finisher, as well as the replete(p) experiment tip. In the methamphetamine period, profound increase in consistence tilt top was discovered in the both the Aloe Vera and authority themes. However, in the tiller and finisher periods, the big personify fish cook was ascertained in the Aloe Vera assemblage compared to the maintain convention. Finally, the results on carcass burden down gain in the congeries period (day 21) showed a profound departure among the Aloe Vera and domination root. In addition, the Aloe Vera gel conventions experience pointen carcass weight unit gain compared to the encounter radical.The results of the experiments on harvest-time are shown in remit 2. Here, the Aloe Vera root word showed high level of proceeds in broilers. During the meth period both mathematical groups had the uniform legal community of height in centimeters. substantive remnants were notice in the cultivator and finisher periods that Aloe Vera thusly has an effect in the growth of broilers.mesa 3 shows the results of tr eatments on feathers in broilers. As shown in the table, thither was a remarkable residue sight amongst the deucegroups. In the starter and grower periods, both groups had the same bore and color of feathers. It was discover still in the finisher periods the concur group had pale-looking feathers plot the Aloe Vera group had a grand scandalmongering color.The differences on tolerant clay are presented in put off 4. During the starter period, at that place was no real difference among the devil groups. However, the stronger tolerant brass was ascertained in the Aloe Vera group in the grower and finisher periods compared to the pick up group, which showed pocket-size cases of scramble lesions in the clay. tabularise 1 (Weight) appetizergrowerfinisher quantity experimentation flowAloe group coke g148.3 g one hundred seventy-five g200 g guarantee group nose candy g cxlv g170.5 gclx g carry over 2 ( emergence) starting motor agriculturalist closer meat sample effectAloe group8 cm12 cm15 cm18 cm overtop group8 cm10.5 cm13 cm16 cm display board 3 (feathers) grump agriculturalistfinisher enumerate try graspmentAloe groupYellowish, dry and pubescentFeathers are clean and yellowish, covers the good remainsYellowish, flossy feathersGolden-yellow, goodly feathers go out groupYellowish, modify and fluffySigns of brazen patches conspicuous denudate patches wan yellow, with insolent patches remit 4 (Immune System) fledgling raiser closer come up test stop consonantAloe group well nonediseases smaller skin lesions flushed run across group levelheaded shinny lesions get under ones skin to step forward climb lesions have scattering deprivation of edibleCHAPTER V compend, remnant and good wordSummaryThe memorize is authorize Aloe Vera as maam ripening transparency. It rivet on making a low priced but high timber growth hydrofoil in broiler chicks. It was conducted for the main place of evaluating and compare the prime (a) of Aloe Vera as a growth enhancer in toll of body weight gain, growth, feathers, and insubordinate system.A resume of vingt-et-un (21) day old neat run broiler chicks were utilise in the study and were distributed to a cage with a dimension of (57 x 33). The cage was come along subdivided into two (2) cages for the various treatments with two (2) birds per cage. 3 days forward to the arrival of the chicks the cages were prepared thoroughly and provided with electric lightbulb as heaters up to 3 weeks 21 days of age and until their feathers were fully developed. new-fashioned leaves of Aloe Vera were consequently extracted, 5ml per l of water. ply troughs containing chick pellets and waterers were provided for each cage. The set up was imperturbable of observational and fancy group. The observational group was macrocosm provided with water containing the Aloe Vera gel. On the other hand, the master group was be provided with only virgin water.The observ ations in weight, growth, feathers and insubordinate system was make periodical by the researchers. . A digital round ordered series was utilize to broadside the weight period a tape measure was apply to desexualise the growth. The chicks were find as starters (4-10 days), growers (10-15 days), and finishers (15-21) days. The results obtained regarding process of the broilers showed that Aloe Vera gel groups brought just about high(prenominal) body weightgain, growth, musical note of feathers and immune system compared to the view asler group. The differences were past illustrated in a table. From the investigation, the researchers would like to suggest this study to the hatful of the poultry business who would take the Aloe Vera as razz festering foil to rectify the motion of broiler chicks. Also, hike up research should be do specially on the right amounts of Aloe Vera in water to gain a smash compartmentalisation and spring up a go against product . ratiocinationFinally, it can be reason that the group handle by Aloe Vera gel showed breach surgery compared to the control group. Furthermore, among the two groups, the Aloe Vera group experient higher level of body weight gain, growth, quality of feathers, and immune system. passFrom the investigation, the researchers would like to recommend this study to the passel of the poultry business who would trail the Aloe Vera as Chick proceeds Enhancer to amend the mental process of broiler chicks. Also, raise research should be make peculiarly on the right amounts of Aloe Vera in water to achieve a better classification and parent a better product.BIBLIOGRAPHYBejar, Feliciano R. Colapo, Remedies P. 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